- http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1s8c0ZGXb1qzbqw1o1_400.gif
- 8O
- (eek)
- (EEK)
- (fifi)
- D:
- (worried)
- (saywhat)
- (say what)
- (sw)
- (saywat)
- (say wat)
- (saywut)
- (say wut)
- (squee)
- (lola)
- (excited)
- (yahoo)
- (woohoo)
- (whoop)
- (awkward)
- (awk)
- (daffy)
- http://www.whatacharacter.com/a-f/b1206064.jpg
- (smile)
- )
- (smile)
- (glad)
- (biggrin)
- D
- (taz)
- DD
- http://moz.com/images/post_images/daffy-duck.jpg
- (smirk)
- http://pics.goodoletom.com/011112AJC09LL/1326316014_Towle-Sterling-Silver-Individual-Salad-Fork-1934-Candlelight-Pattern-6.375in_1.jpg
- (touche)
- (good point)
- (goodpoint)
- (gp)
- (sharp)
- (eyeroll)
- (rolleyes)
- (tina)
- (ohyou)
- http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/cteconsulting/cteconsulting0909/cteconsulting090900183/5540883-taco-cartoon.jpg
- (taco)
- (thx)
- (ty)
- (thank you)
- (thanks)
- (thankyou)
- (grazzi)
- (gracias)
- (merci)
- (no prob)
- (noproblem)
- (youre welcome)
- (np)
- (anytime)
- (welcome)
- (yourewelcome)
- (yw)
- (mmk)
- (shrug)
- (okt)
- (elmer)
- (idk)
- (dunno)
- (i dunno)
- (bye)
- (porky)
- (wb)
- (shield)
- (human shield)
- (dubyabee)
- (welcomeback)
- (welcome back)
- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-OpnCpzMTw5s/T563tcb_0MI/AAAAAAAALYo/Rxunjg5tbew/s1600/yosemite-sam.jpg
- (angry)
- >:(
- >:/
- >:O
- >:o
- (yosemitesam)
- (yosemite sam)
- (sam)
- (yosemite)
- (sarcasm)
- (yeahright)
- (as if)
- (asif)
- (yeah right)
- (scoff)
- (pfft)
- (sure)
- (no really)
- (tyco)
- (thankyoucaptainobvious)
- (pshaw)
- (tuh)
- (argh)
- (blush)
- ]
- -]
- (blush)
- (confused)
- S
- (confused)
- http://goodstuffathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Daffy-Duck-The-Wizard-150x150.png
- (ninja)
- (ninja'd)
- (jinx)
- (n)
- (no)
- (silly)
- (road)
- (roadrunner)
- (road runner)
- P
- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GzD3u_MCyk0/S_CCyiVKwFI/AAAAAAAAAGY/T227aRd_MTc/s1600/daffy_duck-1051.jpg
- (unamused)
- |
- (despicable)
- (unamused)
- (wink)
- )
- (wink)
- http://steynian.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/warner-brothers-daffy-duck-2403967.jpg
- O
- o
- (surprised)
- (shocked)
- (shock)
- (shiver me timbers)
- (pokerface)
- (pepe)
- (badpokerface)
- (bugs)
- /
- http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/_img/chars/char_45777.jpg
- (sad)
- (crying)
- (playboy)
- (
- '(
- c
- http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4096/4935941090_ab1f07b63a.jpg
- (chatalive)
- (alivechatisalive)
- (alivechat)
- (dance)
- (dancing)
- (neenerneener)
- (neener neener)
- http://letcteachers.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/red-phone1.jpg
- (phew)
- (close call)
- (closecall)
- http://wonderworlds.org/images/crystal_fantasy/fantasy-crystal2.jpg
- (oic)
- (fastchat)
- (crowdedchat)
- (fast)
- (speedy)
- (crowdedchatiscrowded)
- (fastchatisfast)
- http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/images/20110122-134060-hot-barbecue-wings.jpg
- (brb)
- (bbl)
- (g2g)
- (gtg)
- http://b.vimeocdn.com/ps/344/886/3448860_300.jpg
- (...)
- (blank)
- http://www.mic-rentals.com/images/sm58%20picture.jpg
- (ahem)
- (spraking)
- http://images.sodahead.com/polls/000060822/polls_Gary_Smile_295x220_3040_760694_answer_1_xlarge.jpeg
- (nvm)
- (nevermind)
- http://www.pukeplanet.com/pukeimages/toilet_puke.jpg
- (ew)
- (disgust)
- http://oelna.de/blog/wp-photos/2012-08-02/bat_symbol.png
- (batman)
- http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-f_dgsf8Ntsg/UV4r91YS8TI/AAAAAAAAGg0/_E479DahR9o/s1600/Pocket+Watch.jpg
- (time fail)
- (tf)
- (timefail)
- (time failure)
- (timefailure)
- (cuteness overload1)
- (skippy)
- (please)
- (cuteness overload2)
- (content)
- (rita)
- http://www.allforloveblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Black.jpg
- (scared)
- (afraid)
- (omg)
- http://www.mccinc.net/mac_comp.jpg
- (lag)
- (darnlag)
- (stupidlag)
- (darn lag)
- (dl)
- (stupid lag)
- (sl)
- http://santarosaredwhiteandboom.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/fireworks.jpg
- (hooray)
- (congrats)
- (ohyeah)
- (fireworks)
- http://looneytunes.wikia.com/wiki/File:Yyyyyyyyyyy.png
- (likeaboss)
- (indeed)
- (likeasir)
- (boss)
- (rocky)
- http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/_img/chars/thumbs/char_84678_thumb.jpg
- (ftw)
- (winning)
- (for the win)
- (forthewin)
- (cecil)
- (pmalive)
- (pm alive)
- (pm)
- (lolwut)
- (lolwat)
- O.O
- O.o
- o.O
- o.o
- ._.
- O_O
- O_o
- o_o
- o_O
- (wakko)
- (oh my)
- (ohmy)
- (sonofagun)
- (son of a gun)
- (oiiii)
- (oi)
- (oivey)
- (oi vey)
- http://images.sodahead.com/polls/002050389/3614286180_make_spam_egg_fried_rice_800x800_xlarge.jpeg
- (spam)
- http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j87/nickelghys/KickAss.gif
- (kick)
- (kicked)
- (Kick #1)
- (Kick #2)
- (Kick #3)
- http://images.sodahead.com/polls/001070461/6a00d83451c1db69e201347fd32f57970c_300wi_xlarge.jpeg
- (retard)
- http://www.ironcowprod.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/joker_retro.jpg
- (joker)
- (jk)
- http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_672C9qILRo/ThOsc8-WAsI/AAAAAAAAIgk/TKlKOSQmjA8/s1600/I_know_right.png
- (ikr)
- (iknowright)
- (i know right)
- http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_h9OO2N_-Ntw/RtzWB4GGF9I/AAAAAAAACDo/80oyp5oK82M/s400/Smarties_For_Smart_Girls_by_ThisIsMyKoolioName.jpg
- (i know)
- (iknow)
- (ik)
- (smrt)
- (smart)
- http://images.wisegeek.com/bar-of-soap.jpg
- (soap)
- (watch your mouth)
- (language)
- (watch your language)
- (ripchat)
- (deadchat)
- (dead chat)
- (hereliesthechat)
- http://i1.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/draft_lens17595790module147961021photo_1296682342quesiton_mark.jpg
- (?)
- (riddle me this)
- (wait what)
- (wait wat)
- (come again)
- (dafuq)
- http://www.steamboatsmyhome.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/A_.gif
- (test)
- (A+)
- (ohyeah)
- (da powa)
- (smartickle)
- (i win)
- (win2)
- (a+)
- http://thumbs.gograph.com/gg57837633.jpg
- (fail)
- (u fail)
- (F-)
- (f-)
- (epicfail)
- (epic fail)
- http://cdn.business2community.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Hat.png
- (tophat)
- (top hat)
- (hello)
- (bonjour)
- (hola)
- (aloha)
- (g'day)
- (sup)
- (wuzzup)
- (whatsup)
- (whats up)
- http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2004/351/9/6/Ban_Hammer_by_Ashen_Decay.jpg
- (banhammer)
- (ban)
- (hammer)
- (explosion)
- (grammar nazi)
- (grammar)
- (spell)
- (grammarnazi)
- (vocabhitler)
- (gn)
- http://memecrunch.com/image/4fab5c061861330f9e007d0a.png
- (stop)
- (STOP)
- http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/185/9/8/request___spitfire_skirted_by_wjmmovieman-d5zla5o.jpg
- (censor)
- shit
- Shit
- Fuck
- fuck
- cock
- dick
- Dick
- Asshole
- bullshit
- bitch
- motherfucker
- slut
- whore
- cocksucker
- cunt
- (disapproved)
- (disapprove)
- (i disapprove)
- (oppose)
- (incorrect)
- (wrong)
- (approved)
- (approve)
- (i approve)
- (checkmark)
- (check mark)
- (correct)
- (right)
- http://data.whicdn.com/images/6269235/Sheldon_Cooper_by_SlivErJap_large.jpg
- (bazinga)
- http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/yes/big-thumbs-up-smiley-emoticon.gif
- (yes)
- http://static8.depositphotos.com/1001911/808/v/950/depositphotos_8080674-Laughing-out-loud-emoticon.jpg
- (lol)
- http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/001247471/profiles_24_4425_297880_xlarge.gif
- (lmao)
- http://www.thefeaturedcreature.com/wordpress6/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/eyes-great-horned-owl-intense.jpg
- (wth)
- (whattheheck)
- (what the heck)
- (yep)
- http://www.mydoorsign.com/img/lg/S/Out-Door-Gate-Sign-S-0992.gif
- (gtho)
- (get out)
- (out)
- (getout)
- (facepalm)
- (fp)
- http://www2.mes-coloriages-preferes.com/Images/Large/Famous-characters-Troll-face-Troll-face-poker-45046.png
- (trollface)
- (troll)
- (umad)
- (ujelly)
- (umad bro)
- (problem)
- (tolo)
- (trololololol)
- http://www.quran-m.com/firas/ar_photo/12396701365.jpg
- (rage)
- (grrr)
- (fa)
- (foreveralone)
- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-e8d4XspjG4U/ULKFTAxH8NI/AAAAAAAABh0/9MQkwk_ZQGo/s1600/lies+no+sign.jpg
- (ilied)
- (lie)
- (lies)
- (seriously)
- (what)
- (wat)
- (megusta)
- (me gusta)
- (gusta)
- (mg)
- http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-A-owRz-SW3E/ToHzoW7dOgI/AAAAAAAAAvs/Ozh-9lnhnX8/s400/bill%2Bjohnson%2Bcopy.jpg
- (furious)
- (we got a badguy over here)
- (wegotabadguyoverhere)
- (badguy)
- (lookout)
- (watchout)
- http://scottq.typepad.com/.a/6a00e0098b2191883300e553ccf9b98834-800wi
- (you dont say)
- (youdontsay)
- (yds)
- http://images.sodahead.com/polls/003511555/5614668112_Indifferent_Smiley_answer_5_xlarge.png
- (Okay)
- (Okai)
- (Ok)
- (k)
- (kai)
- (kk)
- (bitchplease)
- (bitchplz)
- (bp)
- (soniamdisappoint)
- (son)
- (disappoint)
- (crying guy)
- (cryingguy)
- (cg)
- (cerealguy)
- (cereal)
- (ayfkm)
- (aykm)
- (areyoukiddingme)
- (gasp)
- (oh crap)
- (ohcrap)
- (like a sir)
- (likeasir)
- (feel like a sir)
- (feellikeasir)
- (sir)
- (indeed)
- (lql)
- (cuteness overload3)
- (worldgonemad)
- (surreal)
- (crazy)
- (true story)
- (truestory)
- (trufax)
- (pfft)
- (oh yeah)
- (victory)
- (challenge accepted)
- (ch acc)
- (accepted)
- (ca)
- (why)
- (hmmm)
- (wait)
- (:3)
- (kitteh)
- (kitty)
- (hardcore)
- (sohardcore)
- (hc)
- (no joke)
- (nojoke)
- http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_NSpfGPfl8mo/TU7ZLsqbg5I/AAAAAAAAAXg/NR_36JQa8KM/s1600/sad.jpg
- (no)
- (badpokerface)
- (:\)
- (:/)
- (great scott)
- (gs)
- (greatscott)
- (all)
- (all the things)
- (allthethings)
- (everything)
- (cryinghappyguy)
- (chg)
- (happycryingguy)
- (hcg)
- (:'D)
- (if you know what I mean)
- (ifyouknowwhatimean)
- (amirite)
- (impossibru)
- (sonofagun)
- ((╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
- (ffs)
- (fthis)
- (ohstopityou)
- (ohstop)
- (osiy)
- (holy)
- (rainbows)
- (rainbow)
- (drool)
- (icwutudidthar)
- (ic)
- (teehee)
- (maybe)
- (cc)
- (happy)
- (smile)
- (truth)
- (itruthed)
- (longneckguy)
- (donotwant)
- (sbricks)
- (shitbrix)
- (nope)
- (idk)
- (shrug)
- (happyforeveralone)
- (hfa)
- (hurray)
- (hooray)
- (it's not okay)
- (itsnotokay)
- (ino)
- (notokay)
- (notok)
- (notk)
- (nok)
- (P:)
- (I got this)
- (Igotdis)
- (icu)
- (I'm watching you)
- (cd)
- (challenge denied)
- (nonono)
- (sigh)
- (whattodo)
- (jk)
- (heh)
- (c:)
- (tada)
- (ta-da)
- (waitasec)
- (suspicious)
- (wath)
- (Motherofgusta)
- (smog)
- (supergusta)
- (come on)
- (dco)
- (Menogusta)
- (mng)
- (orly)
- (orlly)
- (yarly)
- (mayberly)
- (notrly)
- (feel)
- (thatfeel)
- (genius)
- (not impressed)
- (notimpressed)
- (mckayla)
- (meh)
- (raptor)
- (philosoraptor)
- http://i.imgur.com/ybjfv.png
- (Gaben)
- (M3GUST4)
- (grumpy cat)
- (grumpycat)
- (gc)
- (numb)
My Little Pony[]
- (applejack)
- (apple jack)
- (aj)
- (honesty)
- (twilight sparkle)
- (twilight)
- (ts)
- (magic)
- (rarity)
- (r)
- (marshmallow)
- (generosity)
- (pinkie pie)
- (pinkie)
- (pp)
- (laughter)
- (rainbow dash)
- (dashie)
- (rd)
- (loyalty)
- (fluttershy)
- (fs)
- (kindness)
- (luna)
- (pl)
- (applejack gif)
- (applejackgif)
- (aj gif)
- (ajgif)
- (rarity gif)
- (raritygif)
- (rainbowdash gif)
- (rd gif)
- (rdgif)
- (twilight gif)
- (ts gif)
- (tsgif)
- (fluttershy gif)
- (fluttershygif)
- (fs gif)
- (fsgif)
- (pinkie gif)
- (pinkiegif)
- (pp gif)
- (ppgif)
- (lunagif)
- (luna gif)
- (pl gif)
- (plgif)
- (derpy)
- (derpy hooves)
- (derpyhooves)
- (eeyup)
- (bm)
- (bigmac)
- (big mac)
- (bmgif)
- (Spike)
- (Princess Celestia)
- (Celestia)
- (pc)
- (Princess Cadence)
- (Cadence)
- (Shining Armor)
- (Shining)
- (sa)
- (zecora)
- (Sweetie Belle)
- (Sweetie)
- (sb)
- (Scootaloo)
- (Scoot)
- (Apple Bloom)
- (ab)
- (The great and powerful Trixie)
- (TGAP Trixie)
- (Trixie)
- (sigh2)
- (groan)
- (unhappy)
- (uffda)
- (uff da)
- (Woona)
- (Boop)
- (yay)
- (flutteryay)
- (squee)
- (cmc)
- (facehoof)
- (facebook)
- (facedesk)
- (sad2)
- (twisad)
- (rage2)
- (tsfire)
- (fire)
- (rawr)
- (roar)
- (flutterrage)
- PP
- (lyra)
- (lyra heartstrings)
- http://i.imgur.com/rp7Rt.png
- (huzzah)
- (funhasbeendoubled)
- (hug)
- (hugs)
- (hug2)
- (hugs2)
- http://i.imgur.com/XJor6.png
- (hugs3)
- (hug3)
- http://i.imgur.com/TtHaA.png
- (hug4)
- (hugs4)
- (salute)
- (rdsalute)
- (salutes)
- (acme manager)
- (acmemanager)
- (manager)
- (acme)
- (admin)
- (sysop)
- (administrator)
- http://img2.etsystatic.com/006/0/6680901/il_fullxfull.352583738_gllj.jpg
- (wizard)
- (b-crat)
- (bcrat)
- (crat)
- (bureaucrat)
- (rollback)