Mighty Angelo is a Looney Tunes character created by Chuck Jones who made his debut in "To Itch His Own".
About Angelo[]
He is a big, tough, manly, muscular green flea who possesses immense physical strength for his small size, strong enough to battle even the roughest and most ferocious of bulldogs. A running gag in most of his appearances is that his moustache often twitch straight from their original curved appearance before he does something, especially when he is angry or provoked. He works in an urban circus, where he is billed as "The World's Strongest Flea".
In his debut appearance, an overworked Mighty Angelo took a vacation on an unnamed dog in a luxurious country home, only to be antagonized by a mean, abusive grey bulldog named Butcher. In retaliation, both Mighty Angelo and Butcher engage in a violent battle of wits, although the dog doesn’t know who’s fighting him. In the end, the bulldog gets taken away by a dogcatcher.
Mighty Angelo reappeared sixty years later in the second season of New Looney Tunes.
The classic short:
- "To Itch His Own" (1958)
New Looney Tunes episodes: