The Two Curious Puppies are Merrie Melodies characters created by Chuck Jones. They appeared in six cartoons between 1939 and 1942, all of which were reissued except for "Dog Tired".
These two unnamed dogs, one a golden boxer with brown ears and white paws and the other a white puppy with black patches, tend to work against each other while competing for a bone or exploring their surroundings.
Their first appearance was in "Dog Gone Modern", where they explore "The House of Tomorrow". They appear with the Bugs Bunny prototype in "Prest-O Change-O". Next, they appeared, not as pals, in "The Curious Puppy", where the boxer chases the puppy in a closed amusement park. Their next short, "Stage Fright", takes place backstage at an old theater. Next, they appeared in "Snowtime for Comedy", where they competed for a bone across the frozen lake and snow-covered hills. Their final short appearance was in "Dog Tired", exploring a zoo full of both strange and fierce animals. The characters do not have speaking roles in any of their appearances.
Unlike other characters created during Jones' early years, such as Sniffles and Inki, the Curious Puppies were retired after Jones began to concentrate on humor in his cartoons.
- "Dog Gone Modern" (1939)
- "Prest-O Change-O" (1939)
- "The Curious Puppy" (1939)
- "Stage Fright" (1940)
- "Snowtime for Comedy" (1941)
- "Dog Tired" (1942)