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There's Only One of You is a 1994 song originally from the Animaniacs album Yakko's World. It is a vaudeville-style song-and-dance number where Yakko Warner, Wakko Warner and Dot Warner sing about the many different types of species on Earth and how distinct the listener is.


There are fifty thousand diff'rent kinds of animals
And there are fifty thousand more that used to be.
There's a hundred million ants
And a half a billion plants
And a lot of fish down underneath the sea.
There's gotta be a couple million spiders,
A hundred fifty million butterflies and bees,
And a bunch of different mammals
Like those elephants and camels
And approximately fifty billion trees!
Yakko and Wakko:
(While Dot "oohs" in the background)
But there is only one of you; that makes you special.
You stand out among the other things, it's true.
The Warners:
Yes, the universe is large
And whoever is in charge
Made lots of things but only one of you!
A one and a two and a three and a four
A thousand and a million and a billion or more!
There's a trillion drops of water in the ocean,
And a billion trillion molecules of air.
There are insects here en masse
And a trillion blades of grass
And a thousand strands on every head of hair.
A lot of little grains of dirt make up this planet,
A billion atoms on the head of every pin,
A million birds that all can fly,
A trillion stars up in the sky,
And all the many different people there have been!
The Warners:
But there is only one of you; that makes you special.
Yes there is nothing else exactly like you are!
As you're unique and you're terrific
And you're kinda built specific
'Cuz there's no one else the same
As the person you became.
In fact you're kind of weird!
But we like you just the same!
The Warners:
'Cuz you're the only one of you there are!!
Baba-dootin baba-dootin' baba-doo-bah!!!


  • The music and lyrics were written by Randy Rogel.
  • An animated version of the song was used in Part 1 of "Hooray for North Hollywood".
    • It also serves as the final time that Startoons animated an Animaniacs segment.
