Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Bad Dream is the second Tiny Toon Adventures-related game released on the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. It was released 5 July 2002 in Europe and was developed by Treasure Co. Ltd and published by Swing! Entertainment Media AG. Currently, this is the final Tiny Toons video game and the last to star in the original series.
In 2005, a North American version of the game began popping up on eBay and at small retailers, published by Treasure-regular Conspiracy Entertainment as Tiny Toon Adventures: Scary Dreams. Aside from the title screens and legal information, it was virtually unchanged from the European version of the game. According to information on the box, copies of the game appear to have been produced in 2002 and shelved between then and the time it surfaced. Only a few copies of this version made it to the market.
Another game (also developed by Treasure under the supervision of Hitmaker), Astro Boy: Omega Factor, used some gameplay ideas from this game, particularly regarding the way enemies could be knocked into each other.
Montana Max knocks Buster Bunny out and invades his dreams, causing him to have nightmares, which he aims to stop.
The game features a "partner system" that allows players to team up with other characters. The side-scrolling action features a unique take on fighting, allowing combos and more. The partners include: