This is a list of all of the episodes in the television series Tiny Toon Adventures. The series aired from 14 September 1990 through 28 May 1995. This list also includes the 13 episodes in The Plucky Duck Show. The latter struggled to gain an audience, and was cancelled 12 December 1992, with a total of only 13 episodes. With the exception of "The Return of Batduck", all segments were previously featured in Tiny Toon Adventures.
Season 1
4. Test Stress
7. Journey to the Center of Acme Acres
8. Stuff tThat Goes Bump in the Night
10. Looking Out for the Little Guy
13. Furrball Follies
15. Life in the 1990's
16. Rock 'n' Roar
19. Cinemaniacs!
20. You Asked for It
21. Gang Busters
22. Citizen Max
26. Hollywood Plucky
29. Rainy Daze
30. Fields of Honey
35. A Ditch in Time
36. Animaniacs!
38. Strange Tales of Weird Science
40. The Acme Bowl
44. Hero Hamton
45. Whale's Tales
46. Ask Mr. Popular
51. Tiny Toons Music Television
52. The Return to the Acme Acres Zone
53. The Acme Home Shopping Show
55. Viewer Mail Day
56. Son of the Wacko World of Sports
59. Brave Tales of Real Rabbits
62. Here's Hamton
65. High Toon
Season 2
66. Pledge Week
67. Going Places
68. Elephant Issues
69. Hog-Wild Hamton
70. Playtime Toons
71. Toon Physics
72. Acme Cable TV
73. Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian
76. Kon Ducki
Season 3
80. New Class Day
81. Fox Trot
82. What Makes Toon Tick?
85. Toons Take Over
87. Two-Tone Town
88. Buster's Directorial Debut
89. Washingtoon
90. Toon TV
91. Grandma's Dead
92. Music Day
93. The Horror of Slumber Party Mountain
94. Sport Shorts
96. A Cat's Eye View
98. It's a Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas Special
100. Night Ghoulery
The Plucky Duck Show
Only Episode 1 is original.
1. The Return Of Batduck
2. Ducklahoma / Video Game Blues / Yakkety Yak / Party Crasher Plucky
3. Minister Golf / Particle Man / Istanbul (Not Constantinople) / My Brilliant Revenge!
4. Kon Ducki
8. Going Up / Wait ‘Till Your Father Gets Even / Never Too Late to Loon
9. Just-Us League of Supertoons / A Bacon Strip / Migrant Mallard
10. Hollywood Plucky
11. The Potty Years / Milk, It Makes a Body Spout / The Anvil Chorus
12. Slugfest / Duck Dodgers Jr. / Duck Trek
13. Best Of Plucky Duck Day